Lush Kitchen Menu Preview Dec 12-16

I’ll start adding photos and ingredients here in the next few hours. and I have descriptions and photos of all these in my video below

The Melting Snowman bath melt £2.75
Egg Snog lip balm £6.50

Christmas Cracker bubble bar £3.95
Christmas Cake Slice soap £4.50

Perfume day 🎉 (we all voted months ago for our favorite lush product scent to make a perfume of)

Iced Wine shower jelly £8.25
Bling Crosby bubble bar £3.95

Sandy Santa body butter £5.75
Gold, Frankincense and Beer shower jelly £7.95

11 thoughts on “Lush Kitchen Menu Preview Dec 12-16

  1. Thank you for the reviews every week. You do a great job. I prefer you over other reviews. You come accross so kind and sweet. I only buy after I check your blog or you tube. I really would love to see lush to LOVE perfume. And Calacas. Thanks again hope you get every thing you want from Santa (Opps Lush) for Christmas!!!

  2. Hi April!
    I hope for Lord of misrules perfume,because it has not been sold for ages.I also would buy Yog nog,and I think it would be cool if they made it in shower gel or jelly format!
    Rose jam,Twilight…no question,we all love them 🙂
    Or I’d be really happy with something special,rare scent.I mean what if they would make for example the jelly from friday scented perfume?It would blow our mind 🙂

  3. I missed Perfume Day, but can you tell me what was sold on that day just so I can be totally envious of ppl who got some?

    • Hi, sure. They made ‘Rose Jam’ liquid perfume spray, and ‘rose jam’ solid perfume. And they also made ‘Yuzu and Cocoa’ liquid perfume spray, and ‘Yuzu and Cocoa’ solid perfume. 😄

      • Thank you! I missed the solids, but I did manage to get liquid Yuzu and Cocoa. Glad I didn’t miss anything else. I wish they’d do Calacas…

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